NEW LIFE IN CHRIST: 300 level undergraduate student in Nigeria withdrawn from University says his admission into the school was illegal.

His name is Abolarin Akin Jephthan, a year three sociology student at the University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. He has testified through a letter to the school authority that his admission into the school was fraud and would therefore request to withdraw from the school.
This is after he has realized that what he did to enter the school by falsifying his Senior School Examination result was evil. 
According to the young man who has now accepted Jesus Christ as Personal Lord and Saviour, he discovered that entering the university through the back door was actually like a man laying a faulting foundation for his future. “Just like a house built on a faulty foundation would collapse, it is also certain that a career built on a faulty foundation will collapse,” he said, stressing that he chose to abandon such a way of life because he has encountered “the limelight of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
In the letter addressed to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Unilorin, Professor N.Y.S, Ijaiya Jephthan explains that while he was in the secondary School he was just a church goer who never experience genuine salvation or know God personally. As a result of that he got involve in examination malpractices. But having got born again with deep sense of repentance he believe it was mandatory for him to carry out restitution and start a life all over again.
The letter was dated on the 12th of August and has since been received by the school authority. Several Christians who heard about the story described the decision as an art of bravery and a sincere revelation of Jephathan’s genuine salvation. According to them, it takes the special grace of God to do such a thing. 
