Conditions of service and use of blog contents

Christian Finder Africa exists with the mandate to provide information to the body of Christian believers all over the world with the purpose of adding values to their lives, spiritually, materially and emotionally.
As a religion website we are therefore protected by some rules and regulations. We adhere strictly to the principles and ideals of the Christian body which we believe is essentially guided by the infallible Word of God. Therefore we do not accept materials that seem to go contrary or contradict Christian values.
Based on this belief we ensure therefore that every user is guaranteed some kind of protection, both on their right to know and their right to use the website.
 There are three categories that guide our mode of operation. 
 The first is the policy on blog terms and conditions. Every material provided in this blog is for information purposes only. As much as we strive to be accurate in our reports and write-ups we are however not assuming to be completely perfect. Therefore we shall not be liable for every error, omission or damage of any information or by following any link provided herein. The terms and conditions are however subject to change when they become necessary. And this shall be done without notice.
The second policy is our blog privacy. We do not share personal information with third-parties nor do we store information we collect about your visit to this blog for use other than to analyze content performance through the use of cookies, which you can turn off at anytime by modifying your internet browser’s settings. We are not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this blog from other website or media without our permission.
The third policy is our blog comment. Comments are welcomed and highly encouraged. We believe they go a long way to assist us to do better. However there are some instances where some comments will need to be edited or even deleted. The reason is because we may not want what will hinder our progress or our esteemed users. Such areas includes when comments are found to be inflammatory, profane, blasphemous, spam or questionable. Links to relevant information is permitted but comments must be relevant to the appropriate post topic. If this is not clearly done we shall be compel to delete or edit the comment without giving any prior notice.
