Evangelist Billy Graham has come down hard on pastors who are using the Word of God to trade for money through prosperity preaching. He said the Word of God is not for sale and that those who have turned the gospel into money venture are not doing the right thing.

The televangelist and worldwide holiness preacher revealed this in a question and answer column in the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association website recently.

According to him the Bible didn’t say that being a faithful Christian will always lead to material wealth as many gospel preachers do say. A reader who observed that someone on TV claims this is what the bible teaches asked him “does God want everyone to be rich?” the renowned world evangelist responded that “the Bible doesn’t promise that everyone who follow Jesus will become wealthy as Jesus himself was not a rich man”.

Billy Graham, who is well exposed to Bible doctrines, explains that “Jesus wasn’t rich, nor were his first disciple. Not at all. In fact, the only disciple who really cared about money was Judas whose greed and unbelief caused him to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.”

“Repeatedly the Bible warns us against being consumed by money or placing it first in our lives instead of Christ. Jesus said, ‘No one can serve two masters…you cannot serve both God and money’ (Mtt. 6: 24).

Prosperity gospel preachers teach that God wants believers to be rich if they have enough faith. But Dr. Graham stresses that the better wealth was a spiritual nature, noting that “when we know Christ we are rich – not necessarily with this world’s goods, but spiritual riches”.
