Moment of sober reflection: THE MONEY OR THE SOUL?

Sometimes as a person it’s very necessary to look at life the way we look at our faces in the mirror. The Word of God is written to position us for the best.
But most of the time we allow the quest for worldly possession to overshadow our thoughts. The Bible asks what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world but loss his own soul? Or what can a man exchange for the peace of his own life.
It’s true many of us believe so much in money. All our thoughts and dream centre on making money. Each time we look and cannot get what we want due to lack of money we always feel bad. Some can even think the worst has happened. And somehow many of us do blame ourselves or our parents. Even in some extreme cases, we shift the blame to God who created us. That is why some people will tell you they regret coming into this world.
Such is the extent many people can go because they can’t afford to get what they want at the time they need it due to lack of money. Unfortunately many of us have not look back to see where we have been coming from. We have not considered so many good things we have had over the years, such as buying what we really loved to buy. We never ponder over our health-free situation or some critical troubles that we have avoided.
What many of us have failed to understand is that not actually every one of us is cut out to experience life the same way. Just as our faces differ that is how our destiny also differs. Yes, we all need the good things of life; we want to live in beautiful mansion, ride the most expensive car, attend a prestigious school, wear the best clothes or eat anything we desire. There is nothing wrong with all these. God who created us knows better. The Bible says before you were formed in your mother’s womb God knew your name.

It is the failure to understand the purpose of God concerning our lives that is making a lot of people to take the short cut to wealth. Some engage in armed robbery, prostitution, child slavery, kidnapping and ritual killings. For them they are not after what will happen to their souls. Many will even tell you what they want is to get rich first and what happen to them later is not relevant. There is a road that seems right to a man but the end thereof is destruction.
The truth will always remain the truth, that is, there is nothing that is worth more than our soul. There is nothing greater than living a life of peace and perfect health. Jesus said ‘My peace I give to you, not as the world giveth’. It is not all about the glory of this world but the value of the soul.
In life God did not promised that we shall have everything we want without pains or that we shall not lack in some ways. He knows that we shall experience some short-comings. But at the same time, he said he will always be there for us. He can’t give up on us. He certainly knows what we are or will pass through. The bible says He will not leave you nor forsake you.
Our duty therefore, is to persevere and trust Him. Trust in the Lord and the power of His might and He shall deliver you in the days of trouble. We need to put our brains to good thoughts. There is power in positive thinking. We need to stretch our imagination and then back it with prayer.
Sometimes we may say we have done enough thinking and planning without success. That may be true. But consider the inventor of chisel. He never actually wanted a chisel; he wanted a spade. But after trying for 99 times to get a spade he ended up creating a chisel. Today the instrument remains one of the most valuable tools for carpenters.
Therefore when you come close to giving up on yourself or start thinking of taking negative route, consider the birds in the air, they never work nor gather yet they still feed. Today might not be favorable but there is another chance tomorrow.
