Church Directory: list of Christian Organizations in Nigeria

There are so many Christian organizations in Africa that one cannot really take stock of due to several factors. But efforts are being made to reach out to as many as possible. If the name of your ministry or church is not included here we encourage you to contact us. The reason is because we want to assist believers who are called into the ministries to look before choosing names for their ministries to avoid duplication.
Christ the Living King Church International
Christ Universal Ministries
Christ Victory Church International
Christian Brethren Church
Christian Centre Chapel International
Christian Education Resource Centre International (Publisher)
Christian Liberation International Churches
Christian Pentecostal Mission (CPM)
Church of Christ The King
Church of Christ in Nigeria
Church of God Mission
Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
Church of the Lamb of God
Church of the Assumption
Church of the Lord (Aladura)
Cherubim & Seraphim Movement Church
City of Life Christian Centre
Comfort of Life Mission International
Covenant Christian Centre
Covenant of Grace Bible Church
Corner Stone Bible Church
Crown Bible Church
Deeper Life Bible Church
Destiny Sanctuary International Fellowship
Dispensational Gospel Mission
Divine Gospel Ministry
Divine Grace Mission
Divine Dominion Deliverance Church
Divine Light Mission
Divine Restoration Ministries
Dominion Chapel
Dominion Christian Church of God
Dominion City
Doxa Cathedral
Ebenezer African Church
Ebenezer Methodist Church
El-Shaddai Bible Church
End-Time Harvest Mission
End-Time Message Revival Ministry
Eternal Glory Bible Church
Evangelical Bible Mission
Evangelical Church of Christ
Evangelical Church of New Jerusalem
Evangelical Church of West Africa
Evangelical Church Yahweh
Ever Increasing Anointing Ministries
Ever Winning Faith Ministries International
Evidence of Christ Mission
Faith Anointed Bible Church
Faith Bible College
Faith Deliverance Ministries
Faith in Christ Mission
Faith Tabernacle Congregation
Faith Tabernacle Church
Faith World Ministries
Faithful Ministry of God
Faith House Bible Church
Fellowship of Christian
Fire Revival Pentecostal Assembly Incorporated
First African Church Mission
First Baptist Church
Fountain of Life Church
Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria
Freedom Chapel
Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship

To be continued
