YOUTH MATTERS: How to find your way up when you are down

Every one of us experience ups and downs in our everyday living. The adult might find it easier to deal with the challenges sometimes due to their many years of experience. But not always the same with the young minds. As a youth there is every reason why you must find a way to put yourself back when you encounter a difficult moment.
First of all you must understand that you are not the first person to experience such a situation. From generations to generations issues like what you have encountered have existed. And that people of your age group has fallen victim. Take, for instant, the case of feeling rejected by your friends, an addiction to drug, or committing some crimes no one expected from you. It surely could be heartbroken; nevertheless, they are all issues people have been experiencing before you were born.
Secondly, you must understand that every situation has solution. When it first occurred it will look impossible to deal with. The mind will be so occupied with many negative thoughts. However the reality is that the experience will gradually wear out as the day gone by.
The third fact you must learn to understand is that your attitude towards the problem can determine how far you can go in resolving the issue. It is not enough to recognize that you have problem, you must also develop a positive attitude over the matter. As a young mind several factors can overwhelmed your thoughts. Like, what people will be saying about you at that moment; how your family is reacting to the case; or what may become of you tomorrow.
 Having understood the scenarios properly, it is pertinent therefore to find the right solution. The first step is to calm down your emotion. It has happened. Worrying over it isn’t going to help matter. Try to have an opened mind. Don’t bottle or lock up. Family or friend’s reactions might not be favorable. But you must accept the reality.
Secondly, seek for counseling from experienced minds. You may not have done that before you found yourself in such a mess. Nonetheless, a wise counsel can go a long way to find the right answer.
Thirdly, accept to follow the wise counsel. It might not be exactly what you want to hear or the step to take. It’s like medicine for ailment. But it will definitely bring you to where you want to be.
Fourthly, meditate on the wise counsel. Remember the ultimate source of every good counsel is God Himself. He is the one who can give the right answer to every question without adding sorrow to it.
Finally, take a positive step. Raise up your head. Tell yourself you are not done yet. People around you might show disdain and hatred. Some may even mock you in silence. It doesn’t matter. Time heals every wound. Though it might drag on for a while, yet it will surely go away.

By Dave Omokhodion @ Christian Finder Africa,
