MOTIVATIONAL: Put your faith into action

 One of my friends once shared a pathetic story of how he intended to raise start-up capital for his pet project some years ago. He had done a feasibility studies on the business but he was not having enough money to invest in it. Someone talked to him to meet with some business developers with the hope of getting good advice…and perhaps, financial help.
According to him he had a prepared proposal with him and he happily tendered it before the group. They all took time to read through it. From the looks in their eyes, my friend said he knew they were all amazed. They knew the idea was a great one and it was possible of ushering in changes in the society.
But unfortunately what they said shocked him. They told him the idea was quite okay but could not work. From financial aspect it would cost so much money and no one can take so much risk. He asked if there was any short cut to begin with the hope of expanding on it later. The group of experts said NO.
According to my friend he left the place dejected and devastated. For months to come he was psychologically broken down. Nevertheless, he never gave up. He knew what he wanted to do and he knew with God all things are possible. The rest of the story is now history.

Many of us have also encountered such experiences from those we expect to know better. The so called experts never see anything good in any new idea or discovery. They will always express indifference and sometimes with hates because, as far as it doesn’t fit into their ‘thinking’, it just can’t work.
A poet once said that “the world would stop if things are run by those who says, ‘it can’t be done’. Their minds are so narrow that it is practically impossible to see good ideas come into fruition.
Jesus taught us that everything is possible if we have faith. And what is faith? Hebrew 11:1 says “faith is the substance of things HOPE for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen”. It takes courage to bring faith into action. Rev.Sam Adeyemi of Daystar Christian Centre said courage is the absent of Fear. It doesn’t matter what experts say or think, the ability to make things work lies within you.
When you look around today you will observe that most people who are being celebrated have one thing going for them: the will to conquer. They had dreams and they were prepared to fight, consciously or unconsciously. If they had agreed with the so called experts the changes we have today may never have happened.
The truth is, most times many of us erroneously believe in little things than big things. We are more contended being in a comfort zone. We always view great things with so much reservation. We don’t look beyond the ordinary. We want to always be on a safer side. In fact we believe more on what worked for other people than what can work for us.
Everyone of us needs to work out our dreams…our visions. According to one writer, “vision is essential for survivals”. Proverb 29:18 even says that where there are no visions the people are bound to perish. The word perish in this context, does not mean destruction only but the inability to enjoy life to the fullness.
So when you are caught up with an idea, put your faith into work. Great things don’t just happen: it takes faith, submission, courage and commitment to make the difference.
If God has given you a vision He wants to take you outside the realm of the safe and predictable. He wants to bring you to the level where you don’t have to look up to your ability but His capabilities. It won’t cost Him anything but just your faith. And you don’t need to waiver in your heart neither procrastinates.  All you need to do is just to believe and He will surely provide the way. 

By Dave Omokhodion
