How to identify true testimonies from the fake ones

Every one of us desires God’s blessings. The challenges we experience everyday are not what we can handle alone, so we need God to intervene on our behalf. That is why when something significant happened to us we yell and shout for joy. Most of us who are Christians can’t keep it alone; we always find a way to testify before our congregation.
This is where the issue of testimony comes about. And the Bible expressly encourages us to do so. “..they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony…”.Rev. 12:11.
 Pastors too always encourage their members to share their testimonies. Sometimes this happens on Sunday services or during midweek program. But how true are some of these testimonies? How can you identify that what those brothers or sisters shares with you are real or fake?

Truly the bible says we should not judge anyone. However the bible also says we should endeavor to test all spirit, 1John:4:1 Giving testimonies are words of expression. Every word we utter carries some forces. And there are spirits behind our utterances. That is why the Bible says life and death lies in the power of the tongue. So each time we speak we are either under the influence of a true spirit or a lying spirit.

There are some ways you can identify if those testimonies you heard or read from those handbills are real or fake. But before we look into this, the purpose of testimony is to edify the body of Christ and strengthen the faith of believers. It is not only the good things that happen to us are testimonies; even those things that made us cried and seek for God.
So when someone testifies of what has happened to him or her try to find out if it is just to boost ego or truly want to glorify God. These are some ways you can do this.

One, find out about the faith or spiritual level of the person. True, God can perform miracle in anybody’s life. But God cannot be mocked. An armed robber, for instant, who knows he make his living by robbing people is not qualify to share the goodness of God upon his life.

Two, identify the circumstance that led to the experience. Sometimes people believe they can play God. It’s possible for God to show mercy to anyone, including those who are into prostitution or 419 (advance fee fraud). Yet it is an act of playing God for a person in this category to come openly to testify of Gods favor knowing full well that, that cash gift or business connection was a reward of his or her profession.

Three, check if the event can be validated. Most testimonies are personal. They are what happened to individuals. But again there are testimonies that are connected to people or places we know. It’s possible to confirm such testimonies. Because the Bible says in the mouth of two or three witness the truth can be established.

Four, analyze the testimony carefully. Every one of us has individual way of expression. While some people can say dozens of words without blabbing, few may not have the courage to do that. But if you have the gift of discernment you can easily separate the truth from falsehood.

The reason why it is necessary to identify true testimony from the fake one is because the bible warns us to be careful of what we hear. The devil is very deceitful. He knows he can blow other people’s mind by using some people to testify false testimonies.

So each time you pick up that handbill with testimonies or sit in congregation to hear those testimonies allow God to minister to you. Don’t challenge God to do what he has done for that person, rather ask him to do what is good for you.   
